We have the best authentic residence permit documents and cards to legalise your stay in many EU Countries and Green cards in the USA.

Dossier depot has simplified the process for you to get a forged residence permit that is verifiable and 100% usable. All you need to do is visit our contact us page or the form to contact below, fill out the form and submit. Alternatively, you can also place an order directly through WhatsApp using our live Chat Agent. If you prefer, we can also communicate with you via email and provide additional information on how you can easily obtain any residency or resident permit cards, as well as SSN and Green card from us.

100% Verifiable Passports

Worldwide Delivery

Experts in Charge

Discreet & Safe

Secure Payment Options

The security of your personal and financial information are taken very seriously and are never shared with a third party. That’s why we use secure payment options to ensure that your information is safe. You can rest assured that your personal and financial information is protected when you make a payment with us.

Contact Us Now to Buy Residence Permit cards

Text/Call/WhatsApp : +1 402-246-0729

Email: writeus@dossierdepot.com